Daniel Harter, Jr. | Mayor

Cell: 845-500-1504

Term expires 03.31.27


Mr. Harter has been Mayor of the Village of Florida since 2018.

Thomas Fuller | Deputy Mayor

Cell: 845-784-9391

Term expires 03.31.27


Mr. Fuller was first elected in 2002 and also serves as Deputy Mayor.
Trustee in charge of the Police and Justice Departments and Senior Affairs.


Craig Olejniczak

Cell: 845-988-3030
Term expires 03.31.27

Mr. Olejniczak was elected to the Board in 2012. He is in charge of Parks, Recreation, Building & Grounds Departments.

Alyssa Werner

Term expires 3.31.25
Ms. Werner was elected to the Board in 2021. She is in charge of DPW, Water/Sewer and the Chamber of Commerce.

Matthew Roach

Term expires 3.31.25
Mr. Roach was elected to the Board in 2021. He is in charge of Building and Planning, Zoning and Historical.

Appointed Officials

Marvin Geller | Treasurer

Phone: 845-651-7824
Mr. Geller was appointed in 2020.

Colleen Wierzbicki | Village Clerk

Phone: 845-651-7815


Ms. Wierzbicki was appointed in 2018.