Building Inspector Mike Pawliczek
Building & Planning Department:
33 South Main Street
Florida, NY 10921
Phone: 845.651.7626 Fax:845-651-0981
Or contact us electronically using the form at the bottom of this page.
This office handles all of the paperwork for the Building and Planning Departments.
Office Hours Monday | 9:00am -4:00pm
Building Permit Application 2021.docx
Applications for all necessary permits are accepted from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday at the building & zoning office located on second floor of Village Hall. Emailed applications are not accepted
Village Engineering: Sean Hoffman | Village Engineer |
Lanc & Tully Engineering and Surveying PC
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need a permit for shed, fence, deck, pool, new roof or new windows?
Yes , any accessory structure needs a permit. Setbacks for an accessory structure – lot line 5 feet -10 ft from dwelling
How can I find out what zone I’m in?
You can call the office with SBL st 845-651-7626 or available for review at Village Hall Building Dept.
How do I determine if a lot is buildable?
Soils tests need to be completed by an engineer and submitted then approved by Village Engineer.
Who is responsible for permits? (contractor or homeowner)
The homeowner is ultimately responsible to obtain permits for their parcel.
Who is responsible for making sure inspections are completed?
The homeowner and contractor must communicate to make sure all proper inspections are completed by the Building Department . 845-651-7621
Can I get a copy of my survey?
If a survey was ever provided to us, it is kept in the property file. You may call with SBL number.845-651-7626 inquire.
How do I schedule an inspection?
Call 845-651-7626 at least 24 hours in advance.
How do I apply for a building permit?
The appropriate forms can be here Building Permit Application 2021.docx
From this site, you can mail or drop off in person to the Building Department at 33 So Main St.
How do I pay for a building permit?
Payment can be made in cash, check or money order payable to the Village of Florida.
What should I do if I see something that appears unsafe?
You may submit a complaint by calling 845-651-7626 or emailing email hidden; JavaScript is required.
- For more FAQ’s see link