Building Inspector Mike Pawliczek

Building & Planning Department:

33 South Main Street
Florida, NY 10921
Phone: 845.651.7626 Fax:845-651-0981

Or contact us electronically using the form at the bottom of this page.

This office handles all of the paperwork for the Building and Planning Departments.

Office Hours Monday | 9:00am -4:00pm

Building Permit Application 2021.docx



Applications for all necessary permits are accepted from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday at the building & zoning office located on second floor of Village Hall. Emailed applications are not accepted

Village Engineering: Sean Hoffman | Village Engineer |

Lanc & Tully Engineering and Surveying PC

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Do I need a permit for shed, fence, deck, pool, new roof or new windows?

    • Yes , any accessory structure needs a permit. Setbacks for an accessory structure – lot line 5 feet -10 ft from dwelling

  2. How can I find out what zone I’m in?

    • You can call the office with SBL st 845-651-7626 or available for review at Village Hall Building Dept.

  3. How do I determine if a lot is buildable?

    • Soils tests need to be completed by an engineer and submitted then approved by Village Engineer.

  4. Who is responsible for permits? (contractor or homeowner)

    • The homeowner is ultimately responsible to obtain permits for their parcel.

  5. Who is responsible for making sure inspections are completed?

    • The homeowner and contractor must communicate to make sure all proper inspections are completed by the Building Department . 845-651-7621

  6. Can I get a copy of my survey?

    • If a survey was ever provided to us, it is kept in the property file. You may call with SBL number.845-651-7626 inquire.

  7. How do I schedule an inspection?

    • Call 845-651-7626 at least 24 hours in advance.

  8. How do I apply for a building permit?

  9. How do I pay for a building permit?

    • Payment can be made in cash, check or money order payable to the Village of Florida.

  10. What should I do if I see something that appears unsafe?

    • You may submit a complaint by calling 845-651-7626 or emailing email hidden; JavaScript is required.

  11. For more FAQ’s see link

    To contact the building and planning department please use the form below.